Flood Resiliency Blueprint Reports

Flood Resiliency Blueprint Phases

The Statewide Flood Resiliency Blueprint will be executed in three phases. The phases will allow for more nimble decision making and constant evaluation of the process to incorporate learning. After each phase, there will be a review of findings and recommendations, the direction of the project will be evaluated, and the scope of work for subsequent phases will be refined accordingly. The three Phases are:

Phase I:
Develop Draft Blueprint and Draft Neuse Basin Flood Resiliency Action Strategy
  • Task 1:
    Stakeholder Outreach/Facilitation. In addition to considerable stakeholder outreach, this task also includes literature review, data collection and inventory, review of existing statewide planning efforts, and review of governance schemes from select peer states, among other subtasks.
  • Task 2:
    Gap Analysis. Perform a statewide inventory and gap analysis of data, modeling, and other resources necessary to develop the Blueprint and Action Strategies.
  • Task 3:
    Recommendations/Decision Framework. Develop a series of recommendations to support the Draft Blueprint and Action Strategies.
  • Task 4:
    Develop Draft Blueprint and Pilot Action Strategy. This task also includes developing the requirements needed for an online decision support tool.
Phase II:
Develop Decision Support Tool
Phase III:
Apply to Targeted Basins Statewide

Subtask 1.1: Literature Review and Data Collection Inventory

The purpose of this document is to conduct a thorough literature review and data collection inventory of existing data, planning efforts, research projects, studies, and regional scale modeling that have been developed to provide a basis for understanding, to build upon existing efforts, and to help meet the intent of the North Carolina (NC) Flood Resiliency Blueprint. The inventory will result in a report that summarizes the efforts, the lessons learned, the key components of existing work, and an index with links to all resources reviewed.

Subtask 1.3: Outreach and Engagement Plan for the North Carolina Flood Resiliency Blueprint

As part of the Blueprint, DEQ developed an Outreach and Engagement Plan to coordinate stakeholder engagement in accordance with the overall DEQ Public Participation Plan. The goals are to implement engagement strategies across a diverse range of stakeholders and governments, and to develop and implement communication and outreach strategies that demonstrate audience-appropriate North Carolina Flood Resiliency Blueprint Subtask 1.3: Outreach and Engagement Plan for the North Carolina Flood Resiliency Blueprint | 2 communication approaches/tools to ensure the NC Flood Resiliency Blueprint meets the needs of all North Carolina. The Outreach and Engagement Plan was developed for the participants in the NC Flood Resiliency Blueprint development process, will be approved by DEQ, and will document how and when various stakeholder and government representatives will be engaged. The Principal Advisory Group (PAG) and Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) will be engaged throughout the contract period to ensure successful development of the Blueprint. By following the steps outlined in this Outreach and Engagement Plan, DEQ and its consultants will have mechanisms to manage stakeholder engagement requirements through specified tasks.

Subtask 1.4: Catalogue of Government and Organization Watershed Planning Efforts in the Neuse River Basin

This document is a catalogue of local, regional, and state organizations engaged in watershed planning or resiliency efforts in the pilot river basin. This document includes the mission, history, level of engagement, area of expertise, capacity to engage in flood resilience planning and implementation through providing local input, and other information that will inform the North Carolina Flood Resiliency Blueprint (Blueprint) team on how to complement existing efforts and skills. The intent of this catalogue is to identify local, regional, and state organizations engaged in watershed or resiliency planning efforts in the Neuse River Basin. Identification of these organizations is essential for determining what efforts have previously been undertaken, who was involved and helps ensure that resilience planning efforts through the Blueprint recognize and build upon these previous efforts.

Subtask 1.5: Peer State Flood Resiliency Programs

This document aims to review governance schemes from at least five peer states and provide examples of how datasets, models, and platforms are used for decision-making and the levels at which governance decisions are made (e.g., regional, local, state). The result is a written report and presentation that documents the findings, develops an assessment of the pros and cons of each scheme, and provides recommendations for North Carolina’s approach, including funding mechanisms for enabling implementation beyond local jurisdictional boundaries. Recommendations are given based on information learned and knowledge of North Carolina laws and policies. Rule changes necessary to implement a robust flood resiliency program have been identified.

Subtask 1.7: Review of Statewide Planning Efforts with Flood Resilience Recommendations

The purpose of this Statewide Planning Efforts with Flood Resilience Recommendations Review is to document identified specific recommendations from existing statewide planning efforts that correspond with flood resilience strategies, and to provide an understanding of completed and ongoing statewide efforts related to watershed and resiliency planning. This review will build an awareness of existing efforts to meet the intent of the North Carolina (NC) Flood Resiliency Blueprint.

29 Reports